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This young knight depicts energy, creativity and someone with a natural affinity for making money.  He is practical, hard working and can always be relied on to get the job done.  This man is highly integrated within himself utilizing both his male aggressiveness and his female sensitivity to find a balance in his approach to people.  His gold disk earring symbolizes the element of earth.  Although making money is easy for him he derives more fulfillment from humanitarian pursuits.  He is a great fundraiser when it is for a good cause because he is not “Just about the money!”

 When you draw this card you have acquired a lot of knowledge on your path of self-healing.  Possibly there is a greater purpose for your process that reaches beyond you to others.  You are being given an opportunity to get past your self and your own issues and to help someone else.  Your spiritual growth is accelerating and you become aware of the different levels of development.


Wednesday, 03. September 2008 12:27:34 PM -0700
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All misspellings are my own.
All photographs and graphics on this page and any of the same domain
linking pages are property of Dickie Motherwell and are protected under Canadian
and International copyright laws and may NOT be copied, stored or offered for
 sale without written permission from the owner unless so stated otherwise. Readings are a form of entertainment and any information
given is purely conjecture on the part of a psychic in an attempt to assist clients in making their own choices and decisions.