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This money tree bears the fruit of seven pentacles.  Its bark has a painted heart on it proclaiming love to the world.  The figures in this painting symbolize the concept of watching your money grow and doing it with love.  When you have to work hard to earn and save money, you have a tendency to appreciate it more.  This can be a very empowering experience because as you accumulate your goal you can see yourself manifesting your dreams.  There is a famous proverb: 

“Half the fun of money is making it.” 

Sometimes it can take time to see the fruits of your labor.  Remember for everyone and everything there is a season.  A great teacher of patience and economy is a long-term project.  It helps you to see your enterprise in terms of time and commitment, and to keep your supply in demand.  Money is energy and if you visualize it flowing towards you then you will always have an abundance of it.

To contact Dickie Motherwell
Phone Readings 250-836-2133 or 808-933-2133
Email Readings  http://www.emailreadings.ca   
email address askdickie@cablelan.net


Wednesday, 03. September 2008 12:27:34 PM -0700
©  2001
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All misspellings are my own.
All photographs and graphics on this page and any of the same domain
linking pages are property of Dickie Motherwell and are protected under Canadian
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 sale without written permission from the owner unless so stated otherwise. Readings are a form of entertainment and any information
given is purely conjecture on the part of a psychic in an attempt to assist clients in making their own choices and decisions.